

The Odds is a factor that helps you increase your profit or decrease your profit to improve market access. The Odds fluctuates from 50% to 100% and the profit mechanism when using the Odds is as follows:

Profit = the Trading Amount * the Odds.

There are three trading modes:

  • (100:100) This means a 1:1 ratio : This is a trade where the amount to be gained is equal to the amount invested.

For example:

Trader C places an order for $100 on BIG using the 100:100 order placement mode. The Pay-Earn ratio is set to 100% - 100% (i.e. the investor will invest the entire amount and wants to receive an amount equal to the invested amount back if the trade wins).

The default Odds in trading is 100%:100%. This means a 1:1 ratio.

  • (-): This involves trading a smaller amount of money in order to win more, known as "upholding".

For example:

Trader A places an order for $100 and selects SMALL in the '-' order placement mode with a Pay-Earn ratio of 90% - 100% (meaning the investor will invest 90% of the amount invested and wants to get back the entire amount if the trade wins).

  • (+): This involves trading a larger amount of money to win less, based on calculated expectations and confidence in the chosen outcome. It's called "acceptance".

For Example:

Trader B places an order for $100 on BIG in the '+' order placing mode with a Pay-Earn ratio of 100% - 90% (i.e. the investor invests the entire amount and receives only 90% of that amount if the trade wins).

The Trading Volume

Availability: This is the amount of money available in your wallet that can be used for trading.

Traders can enter the amount they wish to trade or select a percentage of their account, ranging from 50% to 100%. BIG - SMALL: After selecting the amount to trade, traders select BIG or SMALL to predict the outcome of the hash number in the next session.

Lightning: Is an action for quick approval signing.

Allowance: Is an action to confirm the amount to be traded with. This operation is performed before the transaction to confirm that the investor will trade a certain amount.

Open Orders

Open Orders: This is the section where investors can track their trading orders during the current trading session.


Claim: This is the item for investors to withdraw their winnings or refund the money if there are no matching orders or not enough matches remaining at the end of the session.

Last updated